It is an "Indiana" brand electric guitar. Purchased new at Mooresville Muzic for $99+tax. Still need the amp and the cord, but it is a start. (Thanks Mom and Dad for the early Christmas present.)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
No, I am not dead
Everyone, I am not dead. At least, not yet. I have been busy with work and recovering from my vehicle accident (read on website). I am able to walk without the brace now, but am still hurting at night. I have found that my addiction to Facebook is becoming worse.
I really miss riding the motorcycle. Until my ankle heals, I can do it right now. Hopefully, when it does heal, it will not be below 40 degrees. That is my lowest temp riding abilities.
Please continue to review the posts that are being placed on the main website. I will update this periodically.
I really miss riding the motorcycle. Until my ankle heals, I can do it right now. Hopefully, when it does heal, it will not be below 40 degrees. That is my lowest temp riding abilities.
Please continue to review the posts that are being placed on the main website. I will update this periodically.
My Updates
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What blessings I have in my life. My wonderful girls, my beautiful and caring wife, my awesome parents, and my Lord Jesus Christ. Without whom, I would not have had the first 2 sets of blessings.
As I sit here this morning, at work, drinking my coffee and preparing for the day, I am reminded of the good things I have in my life that far out way the bad. I fret about money issues, while their are some that have lost their homes, families, and way of life due to hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and financial downturn. For that matter, there are many around the world that struggle to have food to eat and a roof over their heads. I do have a job and I do have enough to get me by. My kids are in school and we can afford to go to McDonalds every now and then.
I live in a country that I am free to choose my religion and free to speak my mind. Free to choose our president and free to disagree with them.
For the second paragraph, I thank God. For the third, I thank the soldiers throughout history who have been willing to stand up and protect the freedoms that we usually take for granted.
Daddy Scotty
As I sit here this morning, at work, drinking my coffee and preparing for the day, I am reminded of the good things I have in my life that far out way the bad. I fret about money issues, while their are some that have lost their homes, families, and way of life due to hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and financial downturn. For that matter, there are many around the world that struggle to have food to eat and a roof over their heads. I do have a job and I do have enough to get me by. My kids are in school and we can afford to go to McDonalds every now and then.
I live in a country that I am free to choose my religion and free to speak my mind. Free to choose our president and free to disagree with them.
For the second paragraph, I thank God. For the third, I thank the soldiers throughout history who have been willing to stand up and protect the freedoms that we usually take for granted.
Daddy Scotty
My Updates
Friday, September 19, 2008
Warmer Weather
Wow, what a change in weather we have been having. First it is warm, then it is cool, then rainy, now back to sunny and 81 degrees. Looks like today would have been a wonderful time to take a nice bike ride. Too bad, I am at work.
This weekend, we will be gathering up all our garage sale stuff and planning a sale at my mothers house in Mooresville next weekend. It is the same weekend as the Anderson Orchard Craft Fair. We may even take the girls down there to have some warm fried biscuits and fresh apple butter. YUM!
Oh, if any of you Indiana folks know of someone that is looking for a motorcycle, my father is wanting to sell the one that is pictured here:
(Copy and paste the following link)
This weekend, we will be gathering up all our garage sale stuff and planning a sale at my mothers house in Mooresville next weekend. It is the same weekend as the Anderson Orchard Craft Fair. We may even take the girls down there to have some warm fried biscuits and fresh apple butter. YUM!
Oh, if any of you Indiana folks know of someone that is looking for a motorcycle, my father is wanting to sell the one that is pictured here:
(Copy and paste the following link)
My Updates
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hola Amigos!!
Hello Friends,
Things have been going ok for me lately. I have been doing a lot more homework type stuff with the girls lately, since they have started going to school. Saturday I had them cut out hearts on a piece of paper, that I had folded and drawn. Then they colored on them for mamaw Linda. This homework stuff will only go so far with me. Yes, I am kinda smart, but when it comes to math, I will always defer that to Melissa. She is a whiz at that stuff. Speaking of Melissa, she has been losing weight lately and is doing and is looking wonderful. She is my inspiration to keep trying. Though, I have been sitting at the same weight for months now. GRRR. But I am happy for her.
I haven't been out on the bike much, but hope to in the next few weeks. With fall coming up fast, I love to go out through the country and look at scenery. However, I must always take extra caution with the falling leaves, wet roads, and other drivers doing the same. While I love to ride a lot, I love to live even more. Plus if I die, Melissa will make sure to kick my butt hard enough in the casket that I will feel it in heaven. The only problem that I usually have is that I ride alone a lot. So, if something happened, I hope I have the ability to call for help on the cell phone or have a car see me to assist. It is not by choice that I ride alone. The only people that I know that I can ride with are my parents. While they would love to get out and ride, they often can't for one reason or another.
Soon, we will be going to some fall festival stuff. I love going to the covered bridge festival in October, as well as the festival in Martinsville.
If any triplet dads (or moms or families) would like to get together sometime, let me know. I will see if we can work things out.
Take care,
Scott H.
Things have been going ok for me lately. I have been doing a lot more homework type stuff with the girls lately, since they have started going to school. Saturday I had them cut out hearts on a piece of paper, that I had folded and drawn. Then they colored on them for mamaw Linda. This homework stuff will only go so far with me. Yes, I am kinda smart, but when it comes to math, I will always defer that to Melissa. She is a whiz at that stuff. Speaking of Melissa, she has been losing weight lately and is doing and is looking wonderful. She is my inspiration to keep trying. Though, I have been sitting at the same weight for months now. GRRR. But I am happy for her.
I haven't been out on the bike much, but hope to in the next few weeks. With fall coming up fast, I love to go out through the country and look at scenery. However, I must always take extra caution with the falling leaves, wet roads, and other drivers doing the same. While I love to ride a lot, I love to live even more. Plus if I die, Melissa will make sure to kick my butt hard enough in the casket that I will feel it in heaven. The only problem that I usually have is that I ride alone a lot. So, if something happened, I hope I have the ability to call for help on the cell phone or have a car see me to assist. It is not by choice that I ride alone. The only people that I know that I can ride with are my parents. While they would love to get out and ride, they often can't for one reason or another.
Soon, we will be going to some fall festival stuff. I love going to the covered bridge festival in October, as well as the festival in Martinsville.
If any triplet dads (or moms or families) would like to get together sometime, let me know. I will see if we can work things out.
Take care,
Scott H.
My Updates
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11th, 2001 ~ Tribute Post
The day that the world stood still, united in anger, and united in sadness.
It has been 7 years since the towers fell. I can still remember what I was doing and the reaction that I had.
Fear. Fear for my family and friends.
Sad. Sadness for all those that lost their lives trying to escape this horrible event.
Anger. A deep feeling of revenge to do to others as they done to my country.
Happy. Yes, happy. However, not for the event itself. For the all the people around the world that stood together and supported each other. Never before had I seen it.
Regret. For not able to do anything directly for the families that were lost, the war on terror, etc.
Sad. Sadness for all of soldiers that we have lost during this war. Regardless of my position on the war, why it was started, or why it continues, the soldiers were doing their job.
A day of emotion for me, and a day of emotion for most in the United States. Being that this was the World Trade Center, it had people from many countries in it.
Crappy Day and Mamaw
What a combination for a title line.
Let me explain. It was 6:30 in the morning yesterday and I started feeling ill. So, I went to the bathroom and got a smelly surprise. Well, I thought it was just a one time thing, so I prepared for work and left. At 8:30, a half hour into my day, I was surprised again and decided to leave. From the moment I arrived home till about 5, I was in and out of bed. Then my wife had to go to a water arobics class. So, that left me with the kids.
My saving grace for the evening came in the form of a wonderful mamaw who never disappoints. She is so helpful with the kids and the kids love to be around her. She and they went for a walk around the neighborhood, removed the weeds from the "used to be" flower bed, and played outside. I made dinner, then she helped get them ready for bed and even sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to them during our nightly routine.
I am so greatful that she is in their life, just as she was for me. Growing up, my father worked 2nd shift, so she had to care for 2 boys. It seemed like every night something different was going on. Usually, fighting for one thing or another. Friends, toys, whatever. Me? I was a momma's boy. While my brother was outside helping dad fix the car, I was inside cleaning the house or helping out with whatever she needed me to do. Now, I am a lot like her in many ways. I have her bad points (very few) and her great points. I have her heart. She carries it around on her sleeve, she is easy to be hurt, but she is always willing to show you love. She drug me to church every sunday and kept me involved. Without that foundation, I am not sure what kind of person I would be today. (I love ya Mom)
Mamaw Linda, an Angel in disquise.
Let me explain. It was 6:30 in the morning yesterday and I started feeling ill. So, I went to the bathroom and got a smelly surprise. Well, I thought it was just a one time thing, so I prepared for work and left. At 8:30, a half hour into my day, I was surprised again and decided to leave. From the moment I arrived home till about 5, I was in and out of bed. Then my wife had to go to a water arobics class. So, that left me with the kids.
My saving grace for the evening came in the form of a wonderful mamaw who never disappoints. She is so helpful with the kids and the kids love to be around her. She and they went for a walk around the neighborhood, removed the weeds from the "used to be" flower bed, and played outside. I made dinner, then she helped get them ready for bed and even sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to them during our nightly routine.
I am so greatful that she is in their life, just as she was for me. Growing up, my father worked 2nd shift, so she had to care for 2 boys. It seemed like every night something different was going on. Usually, fighting for one thing or another. Friends, toys, whatever. Me? I was a momma's boy. While my brother was outside helping dad fix the car, I was inside cleaning the house or helping out with whatever she needed me to do. Now, I am a lot like her in many ways. I have her bad points (very few) and her great points. I have her heart. She carries it around on her sleeve, she is easy to be hurt, but she is always willing to show you love. She drug me to church every sunday and kept me involved. Without that foundation, I am not sure what kind of person I would be today. (I love ya Mom)
Mamaw Linda, an Angel in disquise.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Prayer Requests
Jasmine B.: The other night, my mother informed me that my deceased cousin's wife passed away. Their only daughter Jasmine walked in and found her.
Alicia M.'s Relative: Alicia's relative was hit by a train yesterday evening. He did not survive.
Mira: Keep Mira, picture on right column of blog. She is a sweet girl, whose mother is active in an online triplet group I am also involved in. She is in need of a kidney transplant and she is currently trying to raise money and also gain enough weight to become able to have the surgery.
Soldiers and Soldier's Families: For those that are serving, have served, preparing to serve, or have passed while defending and protecting our country and those countries that have little ability to protect themselves.
If you have a prayer request that you would like for me to add, let me know.
Alicia M.'s Relative: Alicia's relative was hit by a train yesterday evening. He did not survive.
Mira: Keep Mira, picture on right column of blog. She is a sweet girl, whose mother is active in an online triplet group I am also involved in. She is in need of a kidney transplant and she is currently trying to raise money and also gain enough weight to become able to have the surgery.
Soldiers and Soldier's Families: For those that are serving, have served, preparing to serve, or have passed while defending and protecting our country and those countries that have little ability to protect themselves.
If you have a prayer request that you would like for me to add, let me know.
Prayer Requests
How much is your time worth, daddy?
My wonderful and beautiful mother sent me an email today that I feel all parents should read. Not just daddy's, though we typically are the ones that do this.
Can I Borrow $25?
A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you a question?'
DAD: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the man.
SON: 'Daddy, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the man said angrily.
SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'If you must know, I make $50 an hour.'
SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: 'Daddy, may I please borrow $25?'
The father was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed.
Think about why you are being so selfish.
I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions.
How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $25.00 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
'Are you asleep, son?' He asked.
'No daddy, I'm awake,' replied the boy.
'I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the man 'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you.
Here's the $25 you asked for.'
The little boy sat straight up, smiling.
'Oh, thank you daddy!' He yelled.
Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.
The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.
'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the father grumbled.
Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied.
'Daddy, I have $50 now.
Can I buy an hour of your time?
Please come home early tomorrow.
I would like to have dinner with you.'
The father was crushed.
He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.
It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life.
We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts.
Do remember to share that $50 worth of your time with someone you love.
If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of hours.
But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.
From my house to yours
Now tell me, how much is your time worth? There are many days when I am at work and wish for just another hour of peace. I sometimes dread going in the front door to a mad house of screaming and fighting kids. However, when I get home, their little faces all brighten up and they come running to me wanting hugs and kisses and to tell me about their day. They know that they can count on their daddy whenever they need me. (True, after about a half hour of daddy time, they are ready to start screaming and fighting again. I know though short, that half hour could be the last thing they remember about me.)
Can I Borrow $25?
A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
SON: 'Daddy, may I ask you a question?'
DAD: 'Yeah sure, what it is?' replied the man.
SON: 'Daddy, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?' the man said angrily.
SON: 'I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?'
DAD: 'If you must know, I make $50 an hour.'
SON: 'Oh,' the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: 'Daddy, may I please borrow $25?'
The father was furious, 'If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed.
Think about why you are being so selfish.
I don't work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.'
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions.
How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think: Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $25.00 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
'Are you asleep, son?' He asked.
'No daddy, I'm awake,' replied the boy.
'I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier' said the man 'It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you.
Here's the $25 you asked for.'
The little boy sat straight up, smiling.
'Oh, thank you daddy!' He yelled.
Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.
The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.
'Why do you want more money if you already have some?' the father grumbled.
Because I didn't have enough, but now I do,' the little boy replied.
'Daddy, I have $50 now.
Can I buy an hour of your time?
Please come home early tomorrow.
I would like to have dinner with you.'
The father was crushed.
He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.
It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life.
We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts.
Do remember to share that $50 worth of your time with someone you love.
If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of hours.
But the family & friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.
From my house to yours
Now tell me, how much is your time worth? There are many days when I am at work and wish for just another hour of peace. I sometimes dread going in the front door to a mad house of screaming and fighting kids. However, when I get home, their little faces all brighten up and they come running to me wanting hugs and kisses and to tell me about their day. They know that they can count on their daddy whenever they need me. (True, after about a half hour of daddy time, they are ready to start screaming and fighting again. I know though short, that half hour could be the last thing they remember about me.)
Poems Stories Jokes
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Blogs and Glasses
Lately, I have been taking the extra time that I have in the evenings to go to my blogs, look over any comments, make any new blogs, then go to the top of the blog and click "Next blog". It is like taking a tour of the world all from my couch. I love looking at different peoples take on photography. I feel that you can see into the soul of the people that take the pictures. What are their like and dislikes. I see pictures of famous buildings all the way down to cardboard boxes that a homeless person is living in. It is interesting. If you have extra time, I encourage you to do the same. Now, I will warn that I have run into a couple time a blog that is inappropriate for younger audiences. However, most of them are interesting.
I went today to pick up my new glasses. My wife and the technician convinced me to get a pair of blue full rimmed glasses. I was hesitant at first, but decided to go with it. What the heck, who am I trying to impress these days. I must say, it does give a nice contrast to my face. I usually bought the gold/brown colored glasses that made my face look bland in comparison. I will try to get a pic tomorrow with the new glasses and again with the old ones.
Scott H.
I went today to pick up my new glasses. My wife and the technician convinced me to get a pair of blue full rimmed glasses. I was hesitant at first, but decided to go with it. What the heck, who am I trying to impress these days. I must say, it does give a nice contrast to my face. I usually bought the gold/brown colored glasses that made my face look bland in comparison. I will try to get a pic tomorrow with the new glasses and again with the old ones.
Scott H.
My Updates
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Motorcycle Ride
Yesterday, I was having a rough day. The girls were driving me crazy. We went to a couple stores, and they had just been fighting, almost the entire time. On the way home, Melissa suggested that I go for a motorcyle ride and take the night out. So, at 3, I left and headed for southern Indiana. Down to Nashville, through Story, and down to Highway 56. So, I headed west two 37, then headed back north. So around a 200+ ride. My butt and back hurt.
My Updates
Friday, August 29, 2008
Lucky in Love
I am home alone. Actually, it just feels like it. The girls are in bed and Melissa is still out playing bingo with her grandmother. I decided to watch tv. However, there wasn't anything on, so I turned on a recorded movie. This time, it is "While you were sleeping" with Sandra Bullock. What a good show. Yes, I am a biker that loves to watch Romantic Comedies.
Anyway, it made me think of the relationships that I have had and the one that I currently am in. I never really had a dating life prior to Melissa. In fact, she was the first person that really ever stole my heart. Sure, I had crushes, but I had never had that can't live without you until her. Melissa Was my first kiss, my first real date, and first real love. Funny, our relationship started out with a lie. I was a little bit shy...ok, I was really shy and that was the only way that I could get her to go out with me. Thankfully, she was and is forgiving.
We married in 1998, and have had many ups and downs. Just like a roller coaster. If I was to document where we are right now, it would be in the middle of a corkscrew. You know what. Regardless of hills or twists and turns, I will continue riding till the end of ride.
It is strange, when I think of why relationships usually fail, it is because both people decide that living individually is more important to them than living as one. I fully believe in the statement, "Two lives become one". Without doing that, a relationship is doomed to fail. When I look at my life, I can not see me without her. Sure, I am still my own man, but she is my life. When she hurts, I hurt. When she is sick, I hide...I mean, I try to be caretaker. I love her with all of my heart.
That being said, it is sometimes difficult to express the way that I feel now that I have triplets. They take so much day to day energy that I often negelect to express my feelings.
Why is it easier to express my feelings in a blog rather than in person?
Anyway, it made me think of the relationships that I have had and the one that I currently am in. I never really had a dating life prior to Melissa. In fact, she was the first person that really ever stole my heart. Sure, I had crushes, but I had never had that can't live without you until her. Melissa Was my first kiss, my first real date, and first real love. Funny, our relationship started out with a lie. I was a little bit shy...ok, I was really shy and that was the only way that I could get her to go out with me. Thankfully, she was and is forgiving.
We married in 1998, and have had many ups and downs. Just like a roller coaster. If I was to document where we are right now, it would be in the middle of a corkscrew. You know what. Regardless of hills or twists and turns, I will continue riding till the end of ride.
It is strange, when I think of why relationships usually fail, it is because both people decide that living individually is more important to them than living as one. I fully believe in the statement, "Two lives become one". Without doing that, a relationship is doomed to fail. When I look at my life, I can not see me without her. Sure, I am still my own man, but she is my life. When she hurts, I hurt. When she is sick, I hide...I mean, I try to be caretaker. I love her with all of my heart.
That being said, it is sometimes difficult to express the way that I feel now that I have triplets. They take so much day to day energy that I often negelect to express my feelings.
Why is it easier to express my feelings in a blog rather than in person?
My Updates
Thursday, August 21, 2008
New Park
Tonight Melissa went to play bingo with her grandmother. So, I loaded up the girls and headed to a new park, or at least one we haven't been too in a long while. The girls played on a merry-go-round that horses on them, played on the swing, and the went down the tallest slides. Seems like each time that I take them out they get just a little bit braver. Good thing that I have a little bit of confidence in them. Momma or mamaw would have a fit sometimes. Though, I always watch them and am ready to catch or help them should something go wrong. We arrived home around 8:30 PM. Time to make dinner. I made fish sticks and cheesy rice. The fish sticks were good, but the homemade sauce this time was not really good. The cheesy rice I made wrong, but I think I like it better. I can cook, just not in a rush or when I just want something simple. The girls got extremly dirty at the park and now I am planning on giving them a bath before bed.
Oh, when we were at the park we saw a couple of twin babies. The family talked a little to me, but then just stood in what I would imagine as terror for the future. I told them, at least they could put the kids in their rooms and shut the door. It isn't that easy when they get mobile and very vocal.
We had fun. That was the most important part. I love it that the girls see me as a chance to exit the normal day to day routine.
Last night, I took a motorcycle ride and left before the girls got up from their nap. It was a nice ride, until I arrived at my parent's house and realized that melissa had tried to call. The girls had been asking for me every since they got up, wondering where I was and when i was coming home. So, instead of relaxing with my parents, I saddled up my steel horse and rode home to rescue mommy from the night.
Scott H.
Oh, when we were at the park we saw a couple of twin babies. The family talked a little to me, but then just stood in what I would imagine as terror for the future. I told them, at least they could put the kids in their rooms and shut the door. It isn't that easy when they get mobile and very vocal.
We had fun. That was the most important part. I love it that the girls see me as a chance to exit the normal day to day routine.
Last night, I took a motorcycle ride and left before the girls got up from their nap. It was a nice ride, until I arrived at my parent's house and realized that melissa had tried to call. The girls had been asking for me every since they got up, wondering where I was and when i was coming home. So, instead of relaxing with my parents, I saddled up my steel horse and rode home to rescue mommy from the night.
Scott H.
My Updates
Friday, August 15, 2008
Spin me Daddy, Spin me again
Spin me Daddy. Those words come from the most joyful child knowing that their daddy can spin them and will keep them safe. It is amazing how much they trust in my abilities. With my weak back and overweight body, I often doubt myself on what I can do. Thankfully, they have trust in me. On top of that they are very empathetic when I truely do hurt and can not perform whatever fun function that they wish me to do. That is why, with the help of my wonderful wife, I am trying lose weight. I am 289 pound man, down from 300+. I have already had one back surgery and if things keep up, I may have another one.
When I think of how much that I hurt and what I do to continue to give to the girls what they require and emotionally need out of me, I often reflect on what my own father has done for me over the years. He worked hard in a factory, second shift, often 7 days a week. On weekends, he wanted to work. Didn't understand then, but now I know that if he hadn't done this, nothing would have ever gotten done. He was our plumber, electrician, and over all handyman. Aside from all of this, he would give of his time to play ball with us kids.
Before I continue, I must add that my father has had 6 back sugeries, and has lost the use of his left leg. At the time of my childhood, it had only been about 3 or 4 surgeries. Only? Yeah, that's what I say. So, often he was in pain. Doing what was required of a father, but aiding the life of two growing boys. I can't say that my father and I ever fully connected. He was a man's man. I was a momma's boy. He wanted to work on the car, I wanted to clean the house. It helped me that my brother was more like him. That left me to work with mom most of the time. The bad part is that I never tried to learn all that I could from him. True, he is still with us and has plenty more to teach, but I missed out on a lot. (Though, I know that I still wouldn't like doing that stuff.)
I am not sure if my dad ever completely knew how much trust and pride I had in him. I knew that if he set out to do something, it would get done. I didn't have to second guess him. (When I became a teenager, that changed a little as it does with most teenagers.). But my pride is still there. How many people can say that their dad played baseball, with his back thrown out just to make his kids happy? How many people could go through 6 back surgeries, lose the use of their left leg, be told that he could never walk again, then turn around a learn to walk and climb a later? Would you have ever guessed that he was still able to hold up a motorcycle? Don't believe me, check out the picture within my blog.
Things have changed a bit with my dad. Time and hard work have taken it's toll on him. Things aren't the same anymore for him. Does that remove the pride I have? Nope. When I see him light up like nothing is wrong when my girls are around, it reminds me of the past when I was growing up.
He used to say, even when he was old and grey and in a wheel chair that he would still be able to kick my a$$. Though, I challenged him a few years back, I knew then and even now when to back down. Cause I believe he still can.
Would I like to grow up to be just like him? I think he would say no. In part, I would say that he is wrong. In part, I would also say that he is right. He taught me manners, respect, discipline, honor, loyalty, trust, and to never give up. He had parts of his life that I know he regrets. That part, I know he would not like me to follow. For everything else, I would be proud to be like him.
Dad, I love you! I always have. The dad that I am today is mostly due to you. Sure, I make mistakes with my kids and I know that I have and will make mistakes as a son, but I am thankful that you accept me for who I am and continue to build me up to be better.
When I think of how much that I hurt and what I do to continue to give to the girls what they require and emotionally need out of me, I often reflect on what my own father has done for me over the years. He worked hard in a factory, second shift, often 7 days a week. On weekends, he wanted to work. Didn't understand then, but now I know that if he hadn't done this, nothing would have ever gotten done. He was our plumber, electrician, and over all handyman. Aside from all of this, he would give of his time to play ball with us kids.
Before I continue, I must add that my father has had 6 back sugeries, and has lost the use of his left leg. At the time of my childhood, it had only been about 3 or 4 surgeries. Only? Yeah, that's what I say. So, often he was in pain. Doing what was required of a father, but aiding the life of two growing boys. I can't say that my father and I ever fully connected. He was a man's man. I was a momma's boy. He wanted to work on the car, I wanted to clean the house. It helped me that my brother was more like him. That left me to work with mom most of the time. The bad part is that I never tried to learn all that I could from him. True, he is still with us and has plenty more to teach, but I missed out on a lot. (Though, I know that I still wouldn't like doing that stuff.)
I am not sure if my dad ever completely knew how much trust and pride I had in him. I knew that if he set out to do something, it would get done. I didn't have to second guess him. (When I became a teenager, that changed a little as it does with most teenagers.). But my pride is still there. How many people can say that their dad played baseball, with his back thrown out just to make his kids happy? How many people could go through 6 back surgeries, lose the use of their left leg, be told that he could never walk again, then turn around a learn to walk and climb a later? Would you have ever guessed that he was still able to hold up a motorcycle? Don't believe me, check out the picture within my blog.
Things have changed a bit with my dad. Time and hard work have taken it's toll on him. Things aren't the same anymore for him. Does that remove the pride I have? Nope. When I see him light up like nothing is wrong when my girls are around, it reminds me of the past when I was growing up.
He used to say, even when he was old and grey and in a wheel chair that he would still be able to kick my a$$. Though, I challenged him a few years back, I knew then and even now when to back down. Cause I believe he still can.
Would I like to grow up to be just like him? I think he would say no. In part, I would say that he is wrong. In part, I would also say that he is right. He taught me manners, respect, discipline, honor, loyalty, trust, and to never give up. He had parts of his life that I know he regrets. That part, I know he would not like me to follow. For everything else, I would be proud to be like him.
Dad, I love you! I always have. The dad that I am today is mostly due to you. Sure, I make mistakes with my kids and I know that I have and will make mistakes as a son, but I am thankful that you accept me for who I am and continue to build me up to be better.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sugarland Concert and State Fair
Tonight, as soon as I arrive home from work, Melissa is going to be attending the Sugarland Concert (Country Music) with her mother. Me? I will be staying home playing with the kids, hopefully not losing my mind. Not sure if we are going to go to the park tonight, or just take an evening stroll. Who knows, I may take them to a different park and let them ride their bikes. We will see.
Tomorrow, we are taking the kids to the Indiana State Fair. I was able to obtain two free tickets from some people where I work. Since the girls get in free, all we will have to pay for is the wristbands. The wristbands, one for each girl, cost $15 and will allow them unlimited kiddie rides from 12 - 4pm. That is a pretty good deal as $50 dollars worth of tickets only get us a few rides each. We were considering taking the choo choo wagon to the fair, but think that it will be more of a hassel than not. I hope the kids don't tucker out too soon. We will have to stop and take frequent breaks. I think I am going to get them on the elephant rides or at least the pony rides.
I will update you tomorrow how daddy does over the next day and a half.
Scott H.
Tomorrow, we are taking the kids to the Indiana State Fair. I was able to obtain two free tickets from some people where I work. Since the girls get in free, all we will have to pay for is the wristbands. The wristbands, one for each girl, cost $15 and will allow them unlimited kiddie rides from 12 - 4pm. That is a pretty good deal as $50 dollars worth of tickets only get us a few rides each. We were considering taking the choo choo wagon to the fair, but think that it will be more of a hassel than not. I hope the kids don't tucker out too soon. We will have to stop and take frequent breaks. I think I am going to get them on the elephant rides or at least the pony rides.
I will update you tomorrow how daddy does over the next day and a half.
Scott H.
My Updates
Friday, August 8, 2008
What a day
This morning, I was woken up by my carpooler and her kids, whom my wife babysits for. So, I hurry up and get ready to go to work. When I get to work, I have an email stating that I did something wrong, again. Then I get an email from home, letting me know we have a problem. .....I have only been away for 1 hour and 50 minutes. Does anyone know of a hole around here that I can climb in? I can already feel my mind heading for "The great depression" and I don't know what to do about it. I still have 7.5 more hours in my work day.
Scott H.
Scott H.
My Updates
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
County Fairs and Stress
Why is it that every time that I want to start doing something healthy, events come up that I feel compelled to eat. Right now, we have the county fairs and the state fairs going on. The smell of the fair food can draw even the most disciplined person to salivate. Thankfully, I am not the type of person that likes the fried candy stuff. You know, like the deep fried twinkie, cookie dough, banana cheesecake foster, reece cup, etc. That stuff is a heart attack waiting to happen. For a big guy like me that heart attack might just happen right there on the fair ground. Something that also helps me is that I don't have any money. Therefore, I go for the cheap necessities and bypass on the rest. Sure, I might partake in a bag of german roasted walnuts or possibly a sandwich from the pork tent, but I am only human.
My current biggest issue is wanting to eat more when my stress level is high. With triplets, that seems like that is always the case. There is always someone wanting my attention or crying to me that the other one hurt them. That makes that little guy on my shoulder say "Hey, that bag of chips sure sounds good right now. Go ahead open the bag." Unfortunately, there is the other guy on the other shoulder saying "hey isn't there some french onion dip in the fridge".
Thankfully, my wife and I have been working on what we are purchasing from the store. Trying not to buy the ice cream, cakes, cookies, etc, that we usually littered the cabinets with. I have also been trying to make my portions less. However, we just went to a parade this past weekend that filled a 1 gallon ice cream container that we took to combine their bags. I need to toss it or give it away. ....hey that reminds me. Back when I was in Weight Watchers the leader told me that she used to have her kids take a few pieces out and then take the rest of it to work for her co-workers. That might just work for me. I may try that, instead of eating pieces that I think they wont eat.
Wish me luck on my continued weight loss. I know that I will need it.
Scotty H.
My current biggest issue is wanting to eat more when my stress level is high. With triplets, that seems like that is always the case. There is always someone wanting my attention or crying to me that the other one hurt them. That makes that little guy on my shoulder say "Hey, that bag of chips sure sounds good right now. Go ahead open the bag." Unfortunately, there is the other guy on the other shoulder saying "hey isn't there some french onion dip in the fridge".
Thankfully, my wife and I have been working on what we are purchasing from the store. Trying not to buy the ice cream, cakes, cookies, etc, that we usually littered the cabinets with. I have also been trying to make my portions less. However, we just went to a parade this past weekend that filled a 1 gallon ice cream container that we took to combine their bags. I need to toss it or give it away. ....hey that reminds me. Back when I was in Weight Watchers the leader told me that she used to have her kids take a few pieces out and then take the rest of it to work for her co-workers. That might just work for me. I may try that, instead of eating pieces that I think they wont eat.
Wish me luck on my continued weight loss. I know that I will need it.
Scotty H.
County Fairs and Stress
Why is it that every time that I want to start doing something healthy, events come up that I feel compelled to eat. Right now, we have the county fairs and the state fairs going on. The smell of the fair food can draw even the most disciplined person to salivate. Thankfully, I am not the type of person that likes the fried candy stuff. You know, like the deep fried twinkie, cookie dough, banana cheesecake foster, reece cup, etc. That stuff is a heart attack waiting to happen. For a big guy like me that heart attack might just happen right there on the fair ground. Something that also helps me is that I don't have any money. Therefore, I go for the cheap necessities and bypass on the rest. Sure, I might partake in a bag of german roasted walnuts or possibly a sandwich from the pork tent, but I am only human.
My current biggest issue is wanting to eat more when my stress level is high. With triplets, that seems like that is always the case. There is always someone wanting my attention or crying to me that the other one hurt them. That makes that little guy on my shoulder say "Hey, that bag of chips sure sounds good right now. Go ahead open the bag." Unfortunately, there is the other guy on the other shoulder saying "hey isn't there some french onion dip in the fridge".
Thankfully, my wife and I have been working on what we are purchasing from the store. Trying not to buy the ice cream, cakes, cookies, etc, that we usually littered the cabinets with. I have also been trying to make my portions less. However, we just went to a parade this past weekend that filled a 1 gallon ice cream container that we took to combine their bags. I need to toss it or give it away. ....hey that reminds me. Back when I was in Weight Watchers the leader told me that she used to have her kids take a few pieces out and then take the rest of it to work for her co-workers. That might just work for me. I may try that, instead of eating pieces that I think they wont eat.
Wish me luck on my continued weight loss. I know that I will need it.
Scotty H.
My current biggest issue is wanting to eat more when my stress level is high. With triplets, that seems like that is always the case. There is always someone wanting my attention or crying to me that the other one hurt them. That makes that little guy on my shoulder say "Hey, that bag of chips sure sounds good right now. Go ahead open the bag." Unfortunately, there is the other guy on the other shoulder saying "hey isn't there some french onion dip in the fridge".
Thankfully, my wife and I have been working on what we are purchasing from the store. Trying not to buy the ice cream, cakes, cookies, etc, that we usually littered the cabinets with. I have also been trying to make my portions less. However, we just went to a parade this past weekend that filled a 1 gallon ice cream container that we took to combine their bags. I need to toss it or give it away. ....hey that reminds me. Back when I was in Weight Watchers the leader told me that she used to have her kids take a few pieces out and then take the rest of it to work for her co-workers. That might just work for me. I may try that, instead of eating pieces that I think they wont eat.
Wish me luck on my continued weight loss. I know that I will need it.
Scotty H.
Married life with multiples
Just to give you an idea of my history. I met my wife while I was in high school. We didn't date until after I graduated. We dated for about 3 years when we discussed and decided to get married. We were one of the magical couples that never seemed to fight. When we did it was usually over something stupid that resolved itself as quickly as it started. We tried to have children for many years. Finally we decided to go through IVF. It was an interesting ride to say the least. Ups and downs and excitement as well as disappointments. Then the children were born.
You hear everyday how 1 child can change the relationship between a husband and a wife. How it can sometimes take you to the edge. Well, as most things when you add 3 of something it increases with difficulty.
I love my wife. Always have, always will. But I really miss the moments when we were in each other's mind and new exactly what the other person was thinking. With triplet brain, that connection has mostly been lost. I have one way of thinking and she has hers. Tonight we started arguing about the process in which we were getting the girls ready for bed. It was stupid, but with anxiety of the girls constant bickering, fighting, and objecting to anything they are told, it makes it really difficult to think as well as communicate effectively.
Honey, I love you! Hugz!
Scott H.
You hear everyday how 1 child can change the relationship between a husband and a wife. How it can sometimes take you to the edge. Well, as most things when you add 3 of something it increases with difficulty.
I love my wife. Always have, always will. But I really miss the moments when we were in each other's mind and new exactly what the other person was thinking. With triplet brain, that connection has mostly been lost. I have one way of thinking and she has hers. Tonight we started arguing about the process in which we were getting the girls ready for bed. It was stupid, but with anxiety of the girls constant bickering, fighting, and objecting to anything they are told, it makes it really difficult to think as well as communicate effectively.
Honey, I love you! Hugz!
Scott H.
My Updates
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Well, I would like to say that things are going well since starting this program, but I am pretty much doing the same thing. I try to eat good, yet still partake in the sweetness of candy. Combine this with my recent birthday and lack of time to prep meals for the girls, and I am preparing myself for failure. I have been told over the years to try and prepare freezer meals so that there can always be a quick meal available, but I haven't yet tried that.
Scott H.
Scott H.
Stresses of Life ~ Preschool
It is a common fact that most of us experience financial, emotional, and physical stress from the daily events that life brings us. Combine this with 4 year old girls, and it only makes things worse. Right now, we are battling the question, what do we do about preschool.
Here are our options:
1.) Go to a great preschool in the area and struggle every month to pay tuition,
2.) Go to more of a play/socialize preschool for a third of the cost and much less hours, or
3.) Give up the thought of sending them to preschool.
Please give me your feedback and suggestions.
Scott H.
Here are our options:
1.) Go to a great preschool in the area and struggle every month to pay tuition,
2.) Go to more of a play/socialize preschool for a third of the cost and much less hours, or
3.) Give up the thought of sending them to preschool.
Please give me your feedback and suggestions.
Scott H.
My Updates
Friday, August 1, 2008
Lord, I want to be just like you....Cause they want to be just like me
The other day, I was driving home from work and started singing a song. I have included the words to the song her. Understand, that now that I have triplet girls, the words have changed just a bit. But the meaning is still very much the same.
He climbs in my lap for a goodnight hug
He calls me Dad and I call him Bub
With his faded old pillow and a bear named Pooh
He snuggles up close and says, "I want to be like you"
I tuck him in bed and I kiss him goodnight
Trippin' over the toys as I turn out the light
And I whisper a prayer that someday he'll see
He's got a father in God 'cause he's seen Jesus in me
Lord, I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be just like me
I want to be a holy example
For his innocent eyes to see
Help me be a living Bible, Lord
That my little boy can read
I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be like me
Got to admit I've got so far to go
Make so many mistakes and I'm sure that You know
Sometimes it seems no matter how hard I try
With all the pressures in life I just can't get it all right
But I'm trying so hard to learn from the best
Being patient and kind, filled with Your tenderness
'Cause I know that he'll learn from the things that he sees
And the Jesus he finds will be the Jesus in me
Right now from where he stands I may seem mighty tall
But it's only 'cause I'm learning from the best Father of them all
Where am I going with this, you may ask. Too many days, I wonder how my girls see me. What are they learning every day when I yell, when I scream, when I spank, when I hug, when I kiss, when sing, when I play. What kind of man are they seeing in me? Am I the kind of example that I want them to grow up to be like? I hope so. Each day I try, but each day I feel like I fail. Because of that, I feel that I am doing a good job. Because, I know that because I care so much of how I am, shows me that I am doing the best I can. I am heading in the right direction and as long as I keep looking toward the SON, I will be the best dad I can be.
I hope that this isn't coming out too sappy, but that is who I am.
He climbs in my lap for a goodnight hug
He calls me Dad and I call him Bub
With his faded old pillow and a bear named Pooh
He snuggles up close and says, "I want to be like you"
I tuck him in bed and I kiss him goodnight
Trippin' over the toys as I turn out the light
And I whisper a prayer that someday he'll see
He's got a father in God 'cause he's seen Jesus in me
Lord, I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be just like me
I want to be a holy example
For his innocent eyes to see
Help me be a living Bible, Lord
That my little boy can read
I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be like me
Got to admit I've got so far to go
Make so many mistakes and I'm sure that You know
Sometimes it seems no matter how hard I try
With all the pressures in life I just can't get it all right
But I'm trying so hard to learn from the best
Being patient and kind, filled with Your tenderness
'Cause I know that he'll learn from the things that he sees
And the Jesus he finds will be the Jesus in me
Right now from where he stands I may seem mighty tall
But it's only 'cause I'm learning from the best Father of them all
Where am I going with this, you may ask. Too many days, I wonder how my girls see me. What are they learning every day when I yell, when I scream, when I spank, when I hug, when I kiss, when sing, when I play. What kind of man are they seeing in me? Am I the kind of example that I want them to grow up to be like? I hope so. Each day I try, but each day I feel like I fail. Because of that, I feel that I am doing a good job. Because, I know that because I care so much of how I am, shows me that I am doing the best I can. I am heading in the right direction and as long as I keep looking toward the SON, I will be the best dad I can be.
I hope that this isn't coming out too sappy, but that is who I am.
Poems Stories Jokes
Please Read
I have been seeing this blog on several other triplet blogs. While this is perfectly fine, I would think you would find better content on the girls blog.
Scott H.
Scott H.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
My Dad and His Harley
Just wanted to post a picture of my dad on his harley. I am not sure if the bike makes him look cool, or if he makes the bike look cool. Either way this is one of my favorite pictures.

My Pics
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
What is up with this??
Today, I was laying on the floor playing with the girls. Tickling, singing, laughing, and wrestling. Then it happened. I turned and looked to the left and Madison comes barreling up on the right side of me. Wham! She lands right on my stomach by my hips. I let out a yell, and there it was again, more back pain. She instantly new she hurt daddy and she laid her head on my chest and said she was sorry. I told her it was ok. I was fine, it just surprised daddy. Sometimes, you never know how emotional these girls can be. So, I loved on her for a while, then got up and we went outside for a popcicle. We enjoyed that until a wasp decided to hover around us. So, we finised off the popcicles and headed through the house to the back door. There they played in the sand and then we had dinner out on the new picnic table. I have never seen so much sand on one head, let alone 3. These girls started out ghostly white, then by the end of the day, they were a light brown color. Bath time was fun. Luckily, I was on the receiving end. Mommy gave them the actual bath. I just had to clothe and comb them.
Daddy is pooped.
Daddy is pooped.
My Updates
Just wanted to let everyone know that I just added 3 links to my blog.
Link 1: Dads of Triplets Club - This is a great group of guys that are at various points of their triplets lives.
Link 2: Parents of Triplets Club - This is a highly active group of mostly mothers. Their experience as triplet parents range from expecting to about 5+.
Link 3: Grandparents of Triplets - This group was created for my wonderful mother. Yes, I am the owner, but I manage it for her. If you know of a grandparent that would love to brag to other grandparents, here is the place to do it.
Link 1: Dads of Triplets Club - This is a great group of guys that are at various points of their triplets lives.
Link 2: Parents of Triplets Club - This is a highly active group of mostly mothers. Their experience as triplet parents range from expecting to about 5+.
Link 3: Grandparents of Triplets - This group was created for my wonderful mother. Yes, I am the owner, but I manage it for her. If you know of a grandparent that would love to brag to other grandparents, here is the place to do it.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Pain, Pain, and More Pain
Friday, I threw my back out when Madison jumped on my stomach, which I was reclined on the couch talking to Emily. I still hurt. Last night, we took the girls to the county Fair. They enjoyed the rides, the pigs, the sheep, and the cows. Papaw Bob bought them each an ice cream cone that they enjoyed extremely. Alexa, loved it so much, that when the bottom was falling out of her sugar cone, she still managed to get most of the ice cream out. Finally, I had to take it away from her. Before we left, the girls wanted a balloon. So, we went in the tent and found where they were giving out the baloons. The guy filling up the baloons stated that he was from the window booth, not the one giving the baloons away. THANK YOU WINDOW GUY!! You made my girls very happy.
Today, I am back to work.
Take Care,
Scott H.
Today, I am back to work.
Take Care,
Scott H.
My Updates
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Girls on Bicycles

Just wanted to show a picture of the girls riding their bicycles. They absolutely love riding now and carrying their baby dolls or animals in the baskets.
My Pics,
My Updates
New Profile Pics
I added two profile pics to my blog. The main profile pic was taken at my parent's house. The shirt I have on states "Insanity is heriditary, I got if from my kids". While that may be true, I did have a fair share of it prior to the kids as well. The second pic, is me on my my mother's 1996 Harley Davidson Softail Nostalgia. If I was to pick out a motorcycle right now that I would want, this would be the one. It is beautiful. My current motorcycle, was my mother's second bike a 2002 Honda Shadow 600 VLX.
My Updates
Monday, July 21, 2008
Summer Weather
I have been taking the girls on walks and bicycle rides lately. However, the temps have been in the 90's. Luckily the girls, remind me to take water and wear my hat. Boy, mommy taught them well. (Daddy is balding and burns easily. Daddy also doesn't sweat regularly and must keep hydrated so not to pass out.) Anyway, the girls enjoy this daddy time. We get to go around the neighborhood then go to a swing set and spend some time there. I must say, there is just something about the "Mack Daddy" feeling you get when people (mostly women) admire you for adventuring off the couch and taking triplets, not just 1, outdoors by yourself. Some people even rave even more because they can not see themselves taking three out at once.
Regarding the last post, all are feeling better. The fevers and sinus infections are gone.
Regarding the last post, all are feeling better. The fevers and sinus infections are gone.
My Updates
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Keep it in the family
Well, that title has put a new spin on my life. Madison developed a fever, then Alexa, then Emily (she added vomitting), now to Melissa (she added a sinus infection). I believe I am next. How do you take care of 3 sick little girls and keeper of the household. Prayer, Medication, and Earplugs. Wish me luck.
My Updates
Welcome to my blog. Hopefully, this will give me the opportunity to update my family and friends daily without too much frustration. Like many others, I have tried Myspace ( and Facebook, but have found those not to be exactly what I am looking for. This appears to be a better fit for me. Let's see how it goes.
A Welcome From Me
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