Tuesday, February 24, 2009

May God Bless You and Keep You

For those that know me, I have had a history of going to church. I have even held some teaching/leadership positions. Much to my dismay, I have fallen away from the church in the past 9 years. Now, I am going to church at Grace Missionary Church near me. My girls love it there and Melissa and I are now being fed spiritually.

During the past few days of driving to and from work, I have been listening to some Christian radio stations. This has made me think quite a bit who I am and what I should be. I know that I have a ways to go before I am fully representing the kind of Christian I want to be. However, at least I know now, I am on my way back.

I have had a simple and common bible verse going through my head lately. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life". This time, I was thinking of it in terms of a father as many have done before.

1.) "For God" - The creator of all and whom I place my faith and trust.
2.) "So Loved The World" - Full of sin, hate, greed, defiance
3.) "That He gave His only Son" - His ONLY Son. I can not imagine giving up one of my girls. I can only imagine what it would be like to give up my only. To take it further, to give up my Son to bear the sins of the world as described in #2, to die on a cross for me.
4.) "That whosoever" - Even a sinner such as I, with some defiance, greed and hate.
5.) "Believes in Him" - Believes in the Son to be the embodyment of God and the only path to heaven".
6.) "Will not perish" - In the fires of hell.
7.) "But will have everlasting life" - In Heaven.

It is my prayer that God will Bless You and Keep You safe.