Thursday, May 14, 2009

Diet…er…Lifestyle Change

I am trying to change the way I am viewing Weight Watchers in my life. I can not just try to diet. I must admit to myself and realize that this needs to be a lifestyle change. This is not something that I can stop when I reach my target. I will need to continue this not only for me but for my family. I do not want my children to grow up following in these footsteps of mine. Desserts every night and lounging on the sofa all night is not the example I want to show them.

Thankfully, we have joined a fitness and aquatic center that will allow all of us to swim, work out, and play. When wife-e-pooh and I want to work out alone or if either of us take the girls by ourselves, we will be able to drop them off in the play area. They have some large tunnels for them to crawl through, areas to color or play ball. Last night was my first night to walk through the facility. My wife and girls have been there previously to do water aerobics and swim lessons. I can not wait to start working out. I have been using the elliptical machine at home. Still not able to keep going for long periods of time, but I am working on it. I have also started walking more and taking the stairs. (MY LEGS HURT)

As far a journaling, I have finally started to do what I am supposed to. Though, I know I have a long way to go. One big modification that I recently made was noticing that I was starving myself every day until dinner time. In between all of this, I would have cravings for chocolate, donuts, cakes, et cetera that I could not easily control. With the assistance from wife-e-pooh, I changed my breakfast from 2 oatmeal packets to 1 sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich at home. It comes up to 6 points and it has kept me full for 4 hours now. That is amazing. Normally, I would be hungry by this time.

Daddy Scotty

~If you continue to do what you have always done, you will continue to get what you have always got.

Starting Weight / Last Weigh-In Weight / Goal