Wednesday, August 26, 2009

LD Day 2: Love is kind

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.
—Ephesians 4:32


In addition to saying nothing negative to your spouse again today, do at least one unexpected gesture as an act of kindness.
Yesterday morning, I woke up made my lunch and wrote a note on the board for my wife.  "You did an awesome job with the house!  I (Heart) U". Then I went in and gave her a kiss and woke her up for the morning.  NOTE: It is much easier to be sweeter in the morning when the kids are still asleep.
When I arrived home from work, I gave my kids their usual hug and kiss and then proceeded to walk to mommy to give her a kiss.  This is something that hasn't happened in a long time as I am usually ready to change into my comfortable clothes and relax for a few minutes.  This extra kiss was nice. I found it also refreshed me. Made me feel kind of kiddish inside, like I was back in High School. (Kid in reference to High School...Yep, I am getting old.)  Anyway, I took the kids to the park while wife went to school for a meeting on an upcoming school/kid special class. (Good Touch/Bad Touch).  Following that we came home, ate dinner, and prepared the girls for bedtime.  I tried to be helpful by getting her milk when she needed her glass refreshed and cleaned up dinner when completed.  Finalizing the day, I gave her a kiss and proceeded to bed.

While I didn't exactly do any unexpected kindness, I feel that I met the goal for today.  No arguments, extra affection, and special attention.

Monday, August 24, 2009

LD Day 1: Love is Patient

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
—Ephesians 4:2 NIV


The first part of this dare is fairly simple. Although love is communicated in a number of ways, our words often reflect the condition of our heart. For the next day, resolve to demonstrate patience and to say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything. It’s better to hold your tongue than to say something you’ll regret.


This was fairly easy for me as today was her birthday and I did not see her for half of her day.  When I arrived home my mother watched the children as she and I went to the mall and walked around window shopping.  Following that we went to TGIF and had a wonderful dinner.  We laughed, we joked, and I believe we reconnected.  For me, tomorrow and the next day and the next day will be the challenge.  While today was easy to stay away from the negative comments (in my honest opinion) when I add the kids and the daily frustrations into the mixed, I will need to continue this.  Wish me luck as I tackle tomorrows challenge while trying to encorporate todays.

Tomorrow's Love Dare is:  Love is kind

Love Dare: Intro

My wife and I recently watched “Fireproof”. It was a great movie and opened my eyes to things that I have been neglecting.

Almost 13 years ago, my wife and I embarked on a journey that has been very similar to a roller coaster. There have been some slow and fast times. There have been times when we were flying high and times when we were very low. There have been many twists and turns along the way. Just like with any roller coaster, I never want it to end. When my ride ends, I hope it to be either thru death not divorce.

Getting back to neglecting, I must admit that while I try to be a good husband, at times it has been difficult. Not because of my wife’s actions, but by lack of my own. Too often I let the stresses of life rule my emotions. Financial and children are amongst the top factors of my stress. During the day I let each of these churn inside my head, affecting every thought. When communicating with my wife, I tend to become short or irritable at her. At the end of the day, plop down in front of the computer or TV. Ready to veg out and forget all that I had been thinking during the day.

From the time I watched the movie until now, I have considered taking the love dare as I know that my heart and mind need it to cleanse and repair what I have done. After some research online today I ran across the following site which opened up the dares for each day. You can find them too @

As I go forward, I will detail my thoughts and comments on each day. Please feel free to follow, comment, and encourage me during my journey.

Daddy Scotty,

P.S. Happy Birthday Wife-E-Pooh!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Where Has The Summer Gone?!?

Seems like only yesterday I was dreaming of warmer weather, breaking out the motorcycle and heading for the hills. Since that day, chaos has taken over. Kids turned 5, a pool at mamaw’s house, gymnastics, parks, bicycles, etc. Not that I am complaining. I love the time that I spent with my kids. That is time I could never get back and I did it in a positive and memorable way.

I have also neglected my blog, which doesn’t concern me much. I love to write, I am a social nutcase. Using Twitter and Facebook, I am able connect with other parents. Some with multiples some not, but all have something to offer.

This week, my girls started kindergarten. They absolutely love their teacher and their classmates. Before long “A” will be having a boyfriend, like she did in preschool. She is much like me. (In the social aspect, not the boyfriend.) Many parents have told me that once they start kindergarten things speed up. I assumed that already. However, I never thought about all the other stuff that goes along with school. Softball sign-ups, still questioning; girl scouts; fundraisers, PTO meetings, etc.

We have been preparing all summer for the time when the girls enter kindergarten and what steps we were going to take to ensure that “A” is not subjected to peanuts. I could never have imagined how understanding, cooperative, and assertive that the school was going to be. The girls school lives are close to the nurses’ office. They are the first class to eat lunch. When 1 child dropped peanut butter on his shirt, the teacher took him straight to the nurse and changed his shirt and washed his hands. I am amazed and happy beyond belief. One area that I am still struggling with is the bus ride. My wife and I decided it was best for the girls not to ride the bus. Main reason is the peanut allergy. We can not control what happens on the bus and can not expect the driver to control the situation. This is hard for me, because they have been dreaming and excited about riding the bus since they first learned to say the words “School bus”. Maybe when they mature enough to understand the risk and how to protect themselves, we can allow them to go on the bus. Until then, we will keep them off the bus.

Mommy is volunteering at the school. This gives mommy, girls, teachers and administrators a little more comfort about the peanut allergy, while wife-e-pooh assists them with some much needed help. As they say, a Win-Win situation.

I wish each of you a very happy week. May each day bring happiness and love to your life.