Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer Weather

I have been taking the girls on walks and bicycle rides lately. However, the temps have been in the 90's. Luckily the girls, remind me to take water and wear my hat. Boy, mommy taught them well. (Daddy is balding and burns easily. Daddy also doesn't sweat regularly and must keep hydrated so not to pass out.) Anyway, the girls enjoy this daddy time. We get to go around the neighborhood then go to a swing set and spend some time there. I must say, there is just something about the "Mack Daddy" feeling you get when people (mostly women) admire you for adventuring off the couch and taking triplets, not just 1, outdoors by yourself. Some people even rave even more because they can not see themselves taking three out at once.

Regarding the last post, all are feeling better. The fevers and sinus infections are gone.