Monday, March 2, 2009

Update on me, vacation, and Alexa's surgery

Writing, while not always in correct grammar or spelling, has always been an outlet for me to get out my “demons”. Recently, my comments have inspired some to confront me on some issues. While I do appreciate their and your concerns, I want you to know that I am well and good. However, I do have my moments, as we all do.

On Thursday, my daughters, Melissa, and I were invited to a friends’ house for a play date. It was a very nice night. We met some really nice people, and the kids enjoyed themselves. We adults enjoyed ourselves too. We played Guitar Hero and talked much of the evening. The dinner was a simple yet delicious pasta bake. It was accompanied with green beans, salad, cheese bread, and a rich, yet good, frosted brownie. The girls weren’t too thrilled with the 2 Great Dane’s that the family had. Alexa did eventually warm up enough to pet them. Madison clung to mommy every time the dogs got up. She is deathly afraid of dogs. I would enjoy having another play date in the future as we all had fun.

This last weekend my father and I went on a guy’s day out. We went to the Motorcycle Expo, Boat Sport and Travel Show, Dick’s sporting goods, and then out to eat at Logan’s Roadhouse. I came away from the Expo with a new Leather MC jacket and a pair of goggles that fit over my glasses. This will make riding in the evening so much easier this year. I really did appreciate the time that my father gave to me. I know that walking during all of that was probably a struggle for him as well. We talked and laughed the entire day. These moments together I treasure, as I know that someday, I will not be able to experience that anymore. Over the years I have learned and continue to learn that we need to make each moment count. Hug, when you can hug. Cry, when you can cry. Laugh, when you can laugh. I have seen first hand how the passing of a parent can affect a person. It is something I wish we would never have to experience. Though, we are bound to the circle of life. With every beginning there is an end. We just can never prepare for it.

We are almost prepared to head down to Florida for a nice vacation. Personally, I am not thrilled about driving the entire way with three 4 year old girls. Thankfully, we did buy some new movies that will keep them entertained. We also plan to take several breaks along the way and also to stop half way for the night. I can not wait to see the looks on my girls, as well as my wife’s, faces as we enter the park of what I call Neverland. (No, not the Neverland Rach) A place where a person is never old (though I am sure I will still feel it). When the joy of days gone by surface and we all think like a kid again.

I am not too thrilled on the fact that we have to come back and within days take Alexa to the hospital for surgery. She is going to have reimplantation surgery where the surgeon is going to disconnect the ureter’s and reconnect them to the bladder. This will hopefully end the kidney reflux that she has. It should also stop the yearly VCUG test that is quite painful and uncomfortable.

That is all for now.