Friday, April 3, 2009

On The Road (OTR) with a Triplet Dad

I am going to attempt to start up a new segment to my blog. It is called “On The Road with a Triplet Dad”. This will be my opinion column to things I read or see that I have found interesting or useful.

Today’s topic is on the Indy’s Child magazine, Recently, I have found this in a Marsh Supermarket in the free publication section by the doors. Thumbing through it, I have learned many things. From activities for the family to interesting columns on various parts of a child’s life, I am sure you will find something useful in it.

Opening up the online page for this magazine, I am intrigued to find an article on Making Music in Indy, written by Kimberly Harms. In it she informs the readers about many places that offer opportunities for children to play with or explore music. I know for one, my children love to play instruments. “A” is love with the piano, “M” loves the drum, and “E” loves the guitar. Though, they switch quite often from one to another.

Did you know that the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (ISO) has an instrument petting zoo? I sure didn’t. What about a community drum circle for all ages and all skill levels in Castleton? Me neither.

I know that I am going to research this website for more activities that I can take my kids to. The same old routine gets boring and the kids get more agitated when there isn’t a variety.

Whelp, that is all for me. Take care and have fun with your family.