Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Blogs and Glasses

Lately, I have been taking the extra time that I have in the evenings to go to my blogs, look over any comments, make any new blogs, then go to the top of the blog and click "Next blog". It is like taking a tour of the world all from my couch. I love looking at different peoples take on photography. I feel that you can see into the soul of the people that take the pictures. What are their like and dislikes. I see pictures of famous buildings all the way down to cardboard boxes that a homeless person is living in. It is interesting. If you have extra time, I encourage you to do the same. Now, I will warn that I have run into a couple time a blog that is inappropriate for younger audiences. However, most of them are interesting.

I went today to pick up my new glasses. My wife and the technician convinced me to get a pair of blue full rimmed glasses. I was hesitant at first, but decided to go with it. What the heck, who am I trying to impress these days. I must say, it does give a nice contrast to my face. I usually bought the gold/brown colored glasses that made my face look bland in comparison. I will try to get a pic tomorrow with the new glasses and again with the old ones.

Scott H.


crazed lunatic said...

New glasses must be in the're the third person I know, including myself, that has got new glasses in the past two weeks!

A boy at karate class a few nights back said, after I'd taken my glasses off to put on my sparring gear, "You look so much better without your glasses!" YIKES! Pass the paper bag!