Friday, August 29, 2008

Lucky in Love

I am home alone. Actually, it just feels like it. The girls are in bed and Melissa is still out playing bingo with her grandmother. I decided to watch tv. However, there wasn't anything on, so I turned on a recorded movie. This time, it is "While you were sleeping" with Sandra Bullock. What a good show. Yes, I am a biker that loves to watch Romantic Comedies.

Anyway, it made me think of the relationships that I have had and the one that I currently am in. I never really had a dating life prior to Melissa. In fact, she was the first person that really ever stole my heart. Sure, I had crushes, but I had never had that can't live without you until her. Melissa Was my first kiss, my first real date, and first real love. Funny, our relationship started out with a lie. I was a little bit shy...ok, I was really shy and that was the only way that I could get her to go out with me. Thankfully, she was and is forgiving.

We married in 1998, and have had many ups and downs. Just like a roller coaster. If I was to document where we are right now, it would be in the middle of a corkscrew. You know what. Regardless of hills or twists and turns, I will continue riding till the end of ride.

It is strange, when I think of why relationships usually fail, it is because both people decide that living individually is more important to them than living as one. I fully believe in the statement, "Two lives become one". Without doing that, a relationship is doomed to fail. When I look at my life, I can not see me without her. Sure, I am still my own man, but she is my life. When she hurts, I hurt. When she is sick, I hide...I mean, I try to be caretaker. I love her with all of my heart.

That being said, it is sometimes difficult to express the way that I feel now that I have triplets. They take so much day to day energy that I often negelect to express my feelings.

Why is it easier to express my feelings in a blog rather than in person?