Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Married life with multiples

Just to give you an idea of my history. I met my wife while I was in high school. We didn't date until after I graduated. We dated for about 3 years when we discussed and decided to get married. We were one of the magical couples that never seemed to fight. When we did it was usually over something stupid that resolved itself as quickly as it started. We tried to have children for many years. Finally we decided to go through IVF. It was an interesting ride to say the least. Ups and downs and excitement as well as disappointments. Then the children were born.

You hear everyday how 1 child can change the relationship between a husband and a wife. How it can sometimes take you to the edge. Well, as most things when you add 3 of something it increases with difficulty.

I love my wife. Always have, always will. But I really miss the moments when we were in each other's mind and new exactly what the other person was thinking. With triplet brain, that connection has mostly been lost. I have one way of thinking and she has hers. Tonight we started arguing about the process in which we were getting the girls ready for bed. It was stupid, but with anxiety of the girls constant bickering, fighting, and objecting to anything they are told, it makes it really difficult to think as well as communicate effectively.

Honey, I love you! Hugz!

Scott H.