Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Park

Tonight Melissa went to play bingo with her grandmother. So, I loaded up the girls and headed to a new park, or at least one we haven't been too in a long while. The girls played on a merry-go-round that horses on them, played on the swing, and the went down the tallest slides. Seems like each time that I take them out they get just a little bit braver. Good thing that I have a little bit of confidence in them. Momma or mamaw would have a fit sometimes. Though, I always watch them and am ready to catch or help them should something go wrong. We arrived home around 8:30 PM. Time to make dinner. I made fish sticks and cheesy rice. The fish sticks were good, but the homemade sauce this time was not really good. The cheesy rice I made wrong, but I think I like it better. I can cook, just not in a rush or when I just want something simple. The girls got extremly dirty at the park and now I am planning on giving them a bath before bed.

Oh, when we were at the park we saw a couple of twin babies. The family talked a little to me, but then just stood in what I would imagine as terror for the future. I told them, at least they could put the kids in their rooms and shut the door. It isn't that easy when they get mobile and very vocal.

We had fun. That was the most important part. I love it that the girls see me as a chance to exit the normal day to day routine.

Last night, I took a motorcycle ride and left before the girls got up from their nap. It was a nice ride, until I arrived at my parent's house and realized that melissa had tried to call. The girls had been asking for me every since they got up, wondering where I was and when i was coming home. So, instead of relaxing with my parents, I saddled up my steel horse and rode home to rescue mommy from the night.

Scott H.